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Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:57 pm
by Achintya
how to make a stock solution of PP:

Throughly wash and dry a 1 liter (1000 mL) bottle.
Fill the bottle half full of hot or luke warm water.
Add 2.5 teaspoons (15 grams) of PP to the bottle.
Cap the bottle and shake very well for one minute.
Let the resulting purple-black solution stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Shake occasionally.
Invert the bottle and inspect the bottom and sides for any PP crystals which have not dissolved. Continue shaking until all have dissolved.
Top-off the bottle with additional water and shake well again.

Dose Table Using The Stock Solution Created Above

1 ppm = 0.25 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
2 ppm = 0.50 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
3 ppm = 0.75 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
4 ppm = 1.0 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
5 ppm = 1.25 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
6 ppm = 1.5 mL of stock solution per US Gallon
20 ppm = 5 mL of stock solution per US Gallon

don't dose more than 2 ppm.when you introduce PP in your tank close all filter and run heavy aeration.keep them for 24 hours.after 24 hours do full water can continue this dose twice if you still find any worm/parasites.also don't forget to clean filter media thoroughly after that.


Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:00 pm
by Achintya
AFAIk,you can continue the quarantine process of all juvenile discus in your 2 feet tank without any issue,but you can also continue the same in 2 of your 2 feet tanks(keep 7 discus in 1 tank and 8 in another backparise )

you can start quarantine process from today...


Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:01 pm
by Achintya
Deworming of discus:

White poop for discus means this fish is affected by some internal parasites. To be précised it is tapeworms.

What is tapeworms:
Tapeworms are long, segmented worms that live in the small intestine of discus attached to the intestinal wall by several suckers as well as a structure called a Rostellum which resembles like a hat with hooks on it. The class of this tapeworm is Cestoda.

How they look?
This tapeworm can grow large. An adult tapeworm can grow even upto 6 meter or more. The tapeworm’s head hooks onto it’s intestine by tiny teeth and the worm absorbs nutrients through its skin. So what you feed to your discus can go to those tapeworms. Each segment contains a complete set of organs. When the segment drops off from the tail tip, it is only a sac of eggs. This segment is white and able to move when it is fresh and, at this time, looks like a grain of white rice.

Here I describe my own method of how to process deworming of discus…

Day 1: start the deworming process with metrogyl 400mg tablets. Proper dosage of to deal with deworming process is 5 metrogyl 400 tablets per 100 litre of water. So basically you can calculate your tank water volume and then use tablets of proper dosage. During this course, there should be no filter to turn on. use heavy aeration instead of filter.

Day2, 3: keep your tank as it is.

Day 4: change full water and then reintroduce the previous dosage like day1.

Day 5,6: keep your tank as it is.

Day 7: change full water and then reintroduce the previous dosage like day1.

Day 8,9: keep your tank as it is.

Day 10: change full water and then reintroduce the previous dosage like day1.

Day 11,12: keep your tank as it is.

After that the deworming dosage is complete. You can feed them small amount of foods after the treatment is over. Gradually increase feed more. I think they will accept food after this process.


Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:02 pm
by Achintya
you can look into this thread which was written by me:


Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:12 pm
by K.K
thanks you so much Achintya thnk

apuda is also right, i bought 15 together, it is giving me a problem now :(

anyways I will start the PP and tetracycline method today. :thnk